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How to remove old carpet

It costs 20 cents per square foot, plus a dumping fee, to have your carpet removed by a professional. (Dumping fee depends on the weight of the carpet and cushion.)

Thank You Card from Children's Hearing & Speech Centre for Cottage Carpets

"Dear Garry and Patrice,
The carpet, the PERFECT carpet is rolled out in the gym and ready for children, teachers and parents yo stomp, dance and twirl on it. Thank you so much for your incredibly generous donation that will make a huge difference as our deaf children learn to listen in a noisy room. Please come join us and see for yourself!"

How to Clean Coffee From Carpet

Ground or liquid coffee stains are among the easiest to remove from your carpet. The following steps will make the process even easier.

How To Remove Ink From Carpet

There are several types of ink stains – stain from permanent ink and the stain from a standard pen which is easier to remove.

How To Clean Red Wine From Carpet

Red wine and carpet can be a stubborn combination. However, don't panic if wine spills on your carpet, get on it right away and you can save your carpet by taking the following steps.

Frieze – Shag or Shaggy Carpet Style

Groovy 60s and 70s back again? The once popular shag, now known as Frieze, has become more sophisticated, yet cozy for casual, contemporary living. One of our fashionable Shag carpets is Mojave from Kraus Carpets.