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Carpet yarn fibre types: Find the right carpet for you!

Nylon yarn

With the advancement of technology, our carpet suppliers have created an exceptional quality of nylon yarn. Nylon is the most widely used carpet fibre for its

- exceptional durability
- good wear and abrasion resistance
- high colour versatility and uniformity
- configurability to make it remarkably soft
- excellent carpet cleaning efficiency
- good stain resistance with stain treatment
- good soil hiding ability

The most commonly used nylon yarn brand is Stainmaster. Two popular examples for Stainmaster carpet products are Bianca, a Saxony carpet from Peerless Comfort, and Moonbeam from Kraus Carpets, which is made from a special wool-like yarn known as Tactesse Stainmaster.


Other nylon yarn brands in demand include Kraus Carpet's Softrelle such as Mayfair II, a top of the line pin-dot wall-to-wall or Richmond Carpet's Solutia yarn that is used for Georgette, a heavy Saxony plush type carpet.

ResiKrausMayfair_II ResiInteriorMotivesGeorgette

Polyester yarn

Polyester highlights an exceptionally luxurious and soft to the touch quality. Some of the advantages of polyester are

  • high colour clarity fade resistance
  • natural stain and fade resistance
  • easy maintenance
  • excellent colour clarity and retention

Carpet examples for polyester include Mojave, contemporary shag from Kraus Carpets and Gracious, an eco-friendly carpet product from Peerless Comfort.

ResiKrausMojave Gracious2

Olefin yarn:

The chief advantage of olefin yarn is that it is less costly, making it a great economical choice. Carpets manufactured from olefin yarn feature the same high level fade and water resistance as polyester, however durability is slightly lower compared to the other two main carpet yarns. One of our best selling olefin yarn carpets is Simply Amazing of Peerless Comfort, a solid colour residential carpet.
