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Cut & Loop Carpet Style

The sky is the limit with carpet designers! Botanicals, squares, chevrons, tweeds, pinstripes, checks, argyles, or corduroy swirls. You name it! Cut and loop elevates the carpet to a higher level of sophistication. This style blends the character of Berber with the ultimate elegance of Saxony.

Saxony Carpet Style

Searching for luxury and elegance? Saxony is the ultimate in elegance and beauty in home carpeting. Classic Saxony style is a solid colour, cut and loop carpet pile, soft to the touch, with a very rich and dense appearance.

Berber and Loop Pile Carpet Style

Looking for rugged and durable? Berber / loop pile carpets are recognized for both strength and durability. Longer lasting carpets known for heavy duty tufting and sophisticated wool like appearance, Berber has become a very popular carpet for any home.

Carpet yarn fibre types: Find the right carpet for you!

Nylon yarn

With the advancement of technology, our carpet suppliers have created an exceptional quality of nylon yarn. Nylon is the most widely used carpet fibre for its

- exceptional durability
- good wear and abrasion resistance
- high colour versatility and uniformity
- configurability to make it remarkably soft
- excellent carpet cleaning efficiency
- good stain resistance with stain treatment
- good soil hiding ability