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Hardwood Flooring – Timber from Sustainably Managed Forests

We've made the Beaulieu Hardwood line and the Kahrs Flooring collections the core of our in-store hardwood flooring because for their exceptional quality and reliability and their environmental record.

To ensure that their timber comes from areas not at risk for deforestation, both companies source tropical and exotic timbers from forests certified by international environmental agencies such as Forest Stewardship Council or Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification.

Beaulieu, in particular, has forged a long and close working relationship with Canadian and North American timber companies that are committed to sustainable forest management. For the inner core of the hardwood products, both Beaulieu and Kraus use timber from fast growing pine trees that minimize the environmental footprint of their products.

Choose from birch, oak, ash, walnut and maple for a variety of beautiful traditional and rustic hardwood flooring surfaces from the Beaulieu and Kraus harwood lines. At the same time you can rest assured that your beautiful new hardwood floor has top green credentials..